Federico Placidi and Matteo Milani, composers and sound designers, have together developed 'Unidentified Sound Object', which can be enjoyed on any DVD player. To experience the surround mix on this Music Disc, all you need is a 5.1 sound system consisting of a 5.1-channel receiver plus 5 speakers and a subwoofer.
- Listen to an excerpt -
In the U.S.O. Project, they resolve sounds into sonic particles using a method they call transient drawing, whic is a process of editing microscopically small bits of digitally-recorded sound. These basic sonic particles are then input to an electronic synthesis system where they can be used to create clouds of pointillistic events, structures of extensive polymorphic and spatial complexity. Listeners are submerged in a real-time generative musical environment, where they observe both simple and complex phenomena. The first section, 'Quantum Dripping', consists of the tracks 'Quantization A', 'Inflaction', and 'Quantization B'. The second section, 'Rebirth' consists of 'Time Vector 1: Elemental', 'Time Vector 2: Mutation', 'Time Vector 3: Modular Lexicon'. The disc concludes with 'Farewell', for solo violin and live electronics.
You can order the disc from CDeMUSIC or Music Zeit Download Platform (formats: mp3/flac).
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