Sunday, November 04, 2007

November 8th - Bay Area Computer Music Meetup

Thursday, November 8, 2007, 7:30 PM
CNMAT (UC Berkeley)
1750 Arch Street
Berkeley , CA 94709


Planned Presentations:

* Brian Belet will be giving a demonstration of the Kyma sound design workstation as a performance environment for live interactive computer music. Belet will perform one of his compositions, and then discuss the algorithms used.


Brian Belet is a composer, performer, and theorist (reclaiming the exploratory definition of the term) living in Campbell, California. A Kyma user since 1990, his research activities involve algorithmic composition, real-time software sound synthesis, real-time computer improvisation, live performance human-machine interaction, and microtonal theories. He performs primarily contemporary music using Kyma, computer controllers, bass, guitar, and viola. Dr. Belet serves as Director of the Center for Research in Electro-Acoustic Music at San Jose State University. He has scores published by the Society of Composers, Inc., Warner Brothers / Belwin-Mills Publishing Corp., and the International Trombone Assoc. Press; with music recorded on the Consortium to Distribute Computer Music, the Society of Composers, Inc., and Frog Peak Music CD labels. He served 3 terms, concluding in 2006, as Vice President for Membership in the Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States [SEAMUS].

[Bay Area Computer Music Technology Group]

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