Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Klangdom (Sound dome) in the ZKM_Cube

Hightech instrument for spatialization at the ZKM | Institute for Music und Acoustics.

ZKM "Cube" (photo by Marc Wathieu)

The Klangdom was finished in 2006 after three years of conception, planning and installation. Forty-three Meyersound speakers are attached to an elliptical rig system three-dimensionally in the room, four additional ones are placed on the ground. With this unique speaker instrument, as the head of the institute Ludger Brümmer explains, "complex polyphonic space-sound-movements can be displayed realistically and perceived from every spot in the room".

It can be controlled via Open Sound Control protocol or can also be used as Audio Unit plug-in. Thus, the user can incorporate Zirkonium's panning capabilities into his preferred environment (including Digital Performer, Logic).

User interface of the control software Zirkonium, studio window

[more via]
[Zirkonium Manual -PDF]
[Zirkonium - Installer]
[Zirkonium - Max/MSP and SuperCollider Examples]

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